Martin’s Mini Oven 05 provides a fast and easy BGA reballing solution for rework, device failure analysis and forensics.
If you have ever used the wrong BGA component, positioned the BGA incorrectly, or placed the BGA is in the wrong orientation it’s not as simple to rework unless you have a new BGA device.
Reballing BGA devices with the Martin Mini Oven 05 is easy thanks to highly repeatable thermal profiles and device specific tooling.
With the long availability and cost of older devices being high this solution allows the user to harvest working components from scrap boards or older products, reball them and allow them to be re-used; Perfect for legacy repairs and support.
Lead-Free Device Conversion – if the components you have are in the wrong alloy (Sn/Pb or lead-free)…simply remove the solder using any common desoldering method and then reball the BGA with new solder balls in the required alloy.
An extensive selection of stock frames and masks for BGA reballing with custom stencil designs also available.
Finally, finding QFN devices difficult to rework?
Try our QFN pre-bumping solution which allows you to precisely print the right amount of solder paste on the QFN, then reflow the device so that it can be reworked similar to a BGA, with flux only.